Research Report

E-Commerce in Azerbaijan 2021

"E-Commerce in Azerbaijan 2021" is an overall assessment of the competition in the e-commerce sector with a detailed examination of consumer preferences and habits in several categories. The report includes the interest in e-commerce brands as well as preference motivations and the impacts of the pandemic, we have discussed the behavior-attitude-perception trio that will enable brands to make pinpoint decisions in many categories.

E-commerce transforms the consumer as it improves itself according to the expectations of the consumer. We aimed to identify the dynamics of this interaction and provide a guide that will help brands' e-commerce strategies. Therefore, we designed our report as a reference source to be used in all decision processes.

You will find comparative data on consumption habits in clothing, cosmetics, electronics, mother-babypet care, home appliances, home furnishing/decoration and books categories in this report. You can download the full version of the report by completing the form on this page.

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The research has been conducted with 1,011 participants who have made a purchase online in the last year and who belong to the 18-35 age group, using Twentify's mobile consumer panel. 

With the report of E-commerce in Azerbaijan 2021, you will have findings on topics such as:

  • Awareness, visit & purchase rates of e-commerce platforms in Azerbaijan
  • Category habit in e-commerce
  • Preferred products in online shopping for 8 categories
  • Motivations for online shopping for each of 8 categories
  • Impacts of the pandemic (Covid-19) for each of the categories


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