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We work to share with you free reports related to different subjects and industries. Just click to access the reports.

Research Reports 

Value for Money Perception


October 2023

In order to manage price-performance perception, the question of "what is worth the money" takes on new meanings. During the period of high inflation, we analyzed the perception of value for money. The research, conducted with a representative sample of 1000 participants aged between 18-55 from August 14th to September 10th, 2023 uncovers fascinating insights.

To get this free report visit the report page by clicking the link below.

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Mail Delivery in KSA


September 2023

Discover our comprehensive report that delves deep into the evolving landscape, preferences and behaviors of Saudi consumers within the booming food delivery market. The research, conducted with a representative sample of 1000 participants aged between 18-45 from June 1st to 8th, 2023 uncovers fascinating insights.

To get this free report visit the report page by clicking the link below.

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Public Perception of Sustainability in KSA

Sustainability - KSA 2023_20230616_v01

July 2023

Discover our comprehensive report that delves deep into the attitudes and behaviors of Saudi Arabian consumers regarding environmental sustainability. The research, conducted with a representative sample of 1000 participants aged between 18-45 from June 1st to 8th, 2023 uncovers fascinating insights.

To get this free report visit the report page by clicking the link below.

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Edible Oil Consumer Research in India

Edible Oil Consumer  Survey_Twentify India Report_C1

June 2023

Discover how Indians consume edible oil, which brands they prefer and which parameters are the most important in their decision stage. Our research, conducted with a representative sample of 2983 participants by using the mobile research. 

Let's discover the valuable insights now!

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Perception and Expectations Following the February 6 Earthquakes Phase 2 Report

Deprem Algı Araştırması Raporu 20230426_v2EN

May 2023

Discover the results of the second phase of our study on the perceptions and expectations following the February 6 earthquakes. Compare the findings of the first and second phases of the research to examine how the perceptions and behaviors have changed over time. You can download our comprehensive study for free from the report page.

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Radio Listenership Research in India
Twentify - Radio Listnership Survey in India Report - April 2023

April 2023

Discover fascinating insights into radio listening habits in India with our latest report. Gain a deeper understanding of participant preferences towards radio consumption, and explore the trends shaping radio listenership throughout the day. In addition, the report highlights popular radio stations and the genres of music that dominate listeners' preferences.

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Changing Perceptions and Behaviors of Consumers 2023
Değişen Tüketici Davranışları 2023 20230210_v7

March 2023

Most consumers think that they can buy fewer products with their income compared to last year, and they hesitate to spend because of their budget concerns. The economic trend and uncertainty are reflected in consumer perception as a major concern. So, what has changed in the behavior of consumers as a result of the effects of this situation? You can access this comprehensive and free report now. 

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Perception and Expectations Following the February 6 Earthquakes
Twentify - 6 Şubat Depremleri Sonrası Algı ve Beklentiler - EN - 2023

March 2023

The earthquakes that occurred on February 6, 2023, unfortunately deeply affected all of us and once again led us to question our perception of earthquakes. How prepared were we for earthquakes, and to what extent did our preparations change after the earthquake? Who is responsible before and after an earthquake? Who are the most trusted individuals and institutions? What are the expectations from brands on this issue? We present our research to find the answers to these questions and to measure the perception and expectations following the earthquakes.

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Consumer Confidence Research in India
consumer confidence research in india

March 2023

Discover how Indians feel about their country's current economic situation and their expectations. Our research, conducted with a representative sample of 9993 Indian men and women aged 18-35, uncovers fascinating insights into citizens' satisfaction with the current state of India, their biggest concerns, and comfort in purchasing.

Let's discover the valuable insights now!

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Self-Health & Healthy Brand Perception in India
Twentify India - Self Health and Healthy Brand Perception

February 2023

Our latest report delves into the self-health perceptions of consumers and their opinions on healthy brands. We surveyed diverse participants to gather insights on their feelings about their health and what brands they perceive as healthy across five categories.

Take a look at our latest report in India! 

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Metaverse Awareness and Perception in India

November 2022

The digital universes called Metaverse and the new opportunities shaped around them are the most trending topics nowadays. Some brands have already started to take important steps regarding this concept one after another, but how do consumers think about the Metaverse?

Take a look at our latest report  on Metaverse in India! 

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Food and Beverage Consumption of Gamers and Viewers in Turkey

November 2022

While special gamer menus and promotions released by food and beverage brands for gamers attract the attention of even non-gamers, what kind of food and beverages do gamers consume during their gaming experiences, and which brands do they prefer?

Here is the 4th report of the research series in which we cover the gaming world in Turkey!

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Gaming Attitudes in Turkey

October 2022

The "Gaming Attitudes in Turkey" report, which is the 3rd report of the series and contains the results of our research on the gaming world in Turkey, is ready!

Do you know how much time your target audience spend playing games, what motivates them the most, how much money they spend on games, how playing games make them feel? For all these and more, download the free research report now!

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[Twentify Premium Report]

Generation Z in Turkey 2022


October 2022

With their rapidly changing needs and experience oriented purchasing decisions, they constitute perhaps the most demanding consumer group of today. Despite this, we know that we are talking about a group that will affect many sectors in the coming years and will significantly shape products and services with their preferences and demands.

You will understand them even better with valuable insights about young people in the new report of Generation Z in Turkey Research 2022.

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Viewing Habits of Streaming Gameplay in TurkeyTwentify-Turkiyede-Gaming-Gaming_02_EN

October 2022

Contrary to the general opinion of young people playing games, the player profile has diversified as the game industry has developed. Although there are changes in the types of games or platforms played among the masses, everyone can now find their own games.

As Twentify, the second of our 4-part series of reports about our Gaming research in Turkey is with you.

We examined the types of devices preferred by consumers for watching games, the types of games watched by devices, the frequency and time of watching games, and the preferred platforms for watching games.​ 

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Digital Payment & Wallet Usage in IndiaTwentify-Digital_Payment_Mobile_Wallet_Usage_India_Report

September 2022

It is obvious that the increasing use of e-commerce with the effect of the pandemic and the rapid transition to contactless payment systems have triggered the use of digital wallets all over the world.

And it seems that the consumers have already adopted its advantages such as safety, fast payment, and easy-to-use. We can call it an end of an era in the payments ecosystem.

In this report, we examined consumer preferences and usage on digital payment systems in India.

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Gaming Preferences and Behaviors in Turkey

September 2022

Contrary to the general opinion of young people playing games, the player profile has diversified as the game industry has developed. Although there are changes in the types of games or platforms played among different groups of people, everyone can now find a game they like to play.

As Twentify, we examined different aspects of the gaming world in detail in our 4-part series of reports on gaming, which we conducted with 1029 gamers across Turkey.

In the first report of the series, we focused on the general game-playing preferences in detail. You can download the report free of charge from the report page, and contact our sales team for your questions.

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AdGrade Ad Impact Study

July 2022

Can you conduct TV ad tests and Brand Uplift studies within the natural viewing experiences of your consumers?
Thanks to our AdGrade research solution, which we have implemented using advanced passive tracking and measurement technologies, you can now reach the most accurate results with advanced targeting options and rich insights.

During the research, which we conducted with 400 fixed samples from Turkey, tracked 332 different tv ads for 2 weeks, we have seen that an individual was exposed to 58 different ads on average. Then we analyzed the advertising effects with demographic breakdowns for each category and brand.

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Food Waste in CanadaFood Waste in Canada_20220524_v4

June 2022

Do you know that each 4 out of 10 Canadians have some leftovers in their meals? What about the main reasons of food waste?

In this report, we have investigated the waste of stored foods, respondents' attitudes toward food waste, and views on environmentally-friendly alternatives and climate change concerns and their impacts on participants’ daily live.

Take a look at the teaser document to have all these valuable insights.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

Health and Wellness in Turkey: The Economy of Wellbeing

May 2022

Wellness, which has been talked about in recent years but whose importance has been emphasized with the Covid-19 pandemic, has been on Twentify's radar for a long time.

Health & Wellness is one of the important focuses in the results of the consumer expectation studies that we have been conducting in various categories for a long time. For this purpose, we present you this comprehensive research report in order to understand the projection of the well-being on the consumers' side, to see how the brands' actions for this purpose are met by the consumers, and to learn about their future expectations.

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Food Delivery in IndiaTwentify - India Food Delivery Report_May 2022

May 2022

In recent years, the increasing number of food delivery brands, diversified & improved services, and the promotional campaigns offered prompted many of us to order food instead of cooking.  Well, do you know which online food delivery brand/platform is most used in India? How about, food ordering occasions, and motivations to order food online? 

To understand the people's habits regarding food delivery services in India, we conducted the "Food Delivery in India" research study.

Order your food, and enjoy your meal while reading our free report.

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Metaverse Research Report
Twentify - Metaverse Araştırması 2022_en

May 2022

The digital universes called Metaverse and new opportunities shaped around them are the most trending topics nowadays. Some brands have already started to take important steps regarding this concept one after another, but how do consumers think about metaverse?

This research, which we conducted with 628 people in Turkey in order to better understand the perceptions and expectations of consumers about metaverse universes and NFTs, will be a valuable resource for you to determine a starting point. We highly recommend that you do not skip viewing this free report.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

Social Media Habits
in India
India Social Media Habits_20220331_v4

April 2022

In the "Social Media Habits in India" research we have conducted social engagement of people with social media platforms, who they follow on social media, content sharing habits, type of content they share and more.

The research has been conducted with 830 participants who have use at least one social media platform and who belong to the 18-34 age group, using Twentify's mobile consumer panel in India.

To get this free report visit the report page by clicking the link below.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

E-Commerce in TurkeyEN_Twentify_Turkiyede_ETicaret_2022_info_cover

March 2022

In the "E-Commerce in Turkey" research we have conducted for the third time, we examined consumer preferences and habits on a category basis, with an overall assessment of the competition in the sector.

The report includes the preferred e-commerce brands, motivations, barriers, online-offline channel usage, insights from consumers' purchase journey, social commerce, and the effect of the pandemic.

You will find comparative data on consumption habits in 12 categories with this report.

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Water Consumption Research

March 2022

In the research we conducted on Bounty with 1,020 people across Turkey as part of the 22 March World Water Day celebration, the participants almost agree that there is a water problem in the world. But 1 out of every 2 people thinks that Turkey is out of this problem.

So what are consumers doing at home to save water resources? What are the motivations for saving water? What is being done to protect water resources? What measures should be taken to protect water resources? You can find answers to all these questions and more in our research.

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Women's Rights and Women's Place in Society


March 2022

There is no one who has not heard of the concept of gender equality. In the research we conducted across Turkey, 69% of the participants think that women are equal with men in all areas of life, while men are more hesitant in this discourse.

In our report, we also conducted an empirical study to understand gender roles. In the research we conducted on the Bounty mobile research platform, we examined women's rights and the place of women in society with the participation of 1200 people, including ABC1C2DE SES groups.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

Consumers' Perceptions Towards Sustainability in TurkeyPremiumReports_Sürdürülebilirlik22_cover_EN

February 2022

What are the concerns and habits caused by climate change in consumers? How did it affect brand and consumption preferences? What do consumers expect from brands? Who is responsible for this situation? The answers to these and many other questions are in our comprehensive research report, which we conducted with 1,250 participants from Turkey.

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Gift Giving Habits

Back to School 2020 Survey (20)

December 2021

Times such as birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas are the times that most of us look forward to, receiving or giving gifts. So, how are the gift giving habits, gift preferences and gift buying motivations of consumers in Turkey?

As Twentify, you can download our report on this subject, which we researched with 1008 participants representing Turkey, free of charge.

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E-Commerce in
UAE 2021


December 2021

The sales volume of e-commerce in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is expected to reach $7.5 billion by the end of 2021, shows how fast the industry is growing.

Get the report of the e-commerce research study we conducted in UAE in order to understand the competition, the performances of e-commerce platforms, and the category-based dynamics in more detail, for free. Strengthen your brand's strategy by using actionable insights with Twentify.

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E-Commerce in
Russia 2021

Twentify - Ecomm_in_Russia_2021_cover

December 2021

In this report, we examined the e-commerce platforms and 8 categories. Besides awareness, visits, and conversion rates of e-commerce platforms, you will find valuable insights about online shopping motivations, most preferred products, and the effect of the pandemic in 8 categories within the the report. You can also access more detailed results regarding age, gender, and region breakdowns in related subjects. Now, it's available to download for free of charge.

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E-Commerce in Azerbaijan 2021Twentify-Azerbaijan_ECommerce_Report_2021 Cover

November 2021

E-Commerce in Azerbaijan 2021" is an overall assessment of the competition in the e-commerce sector with a detailed examination of consumer preferences and habits in several categories.

You will find comparative data on consumption habits in clothing, cosmetics, electronics, mother-baby, pet care, home appliances, home furnishing/decoration and books categories in this report.

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Research Study on Awareness of Veganism

Vegan Farkındalık Araştırması_coverEN

November 2021

While we didn't even clearly tell the difference between them a few years ago, now it is a hot topic. With the special boutique food restaurants opened all around, new items on the menus of famous fast-food chains, and the sustainability issue that the whole world is talking about: Veganism.

As Twentify, we examined the level of knowledge of the participants about Veganism, the reasons why they go vegan, consumer preferences in vegan products, the brands they prefer, and social perception of veganism in our research.

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Research Study on Awareness of COPDKOAH Farkındalık Araştırması_CoverEN

November 2021

Smoking, which is the primary cause of COPD, and the number of smokers all over the world reached 1.1 billion, breaking the all-time record.

As Twentify, we share with you the results of this study, which we carried out with a total of 1,000 participants from the ABC1C2DE SES groups, representing Turkey over the age of 18, to examine COPD awareness in Turkey and draw attention to this issue.

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Technology & Electronic Products Research

[EN] Teknoloji ve Elektronik Ürünler Araştırması_v03_20.09.20211 - Kopyası

October 2021

How are consumers interested in technology? How do electronic product ownerships, purchasing behaviors and motivations change in sub-categories? How can brands capture the focus of consumers in different consumption behaviors with different technological products? You'll find the answers to these questions in our new research.

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E-Commerce In India 2021

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September 2021

In the report, we examined consumer preferences and habits on a category basis, as well as an overall assessment of the competition in the industry. In our report, which also includes consumers' interest in e-commerce brands, their motivations for preference and the impact of the pandemic, we discussed the behavior-attitude-perception trio that will enable brands to make pinpoint decisions in many categories.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

Experience Evaluation Research

[EN] Twentify_Acsight Deneyim Değerlendirme Araştırması - Teaser_Rev

September 2021

As Twentify, with the "Experience Evaluation Research" we conducted together with Acsight, we measured the satisfaction and complaint levels of customers' experiences with brands in e-commerce, retail and ready-made clothing/textile categories, the change in their relationship with the brand, and its effect on brand loyalty.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

Generation Z in Turkey

[EN] Türkiyede_GenZ_Araştırması (1)

September 2021

What are the living conditions of young people today? What are they doing? What do they want to experience? And do they have faith that they can make their dreams come true? With this report, in which we have analyzed and interpreted the views of 1,998 young people from all over Turkey, you will have the opportunity to better understand the Z generation.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

E-Commerce in Turkey 2021 V2


August 2021

In this research, we examined consumers' product and brand plan habits in e-commerce shopping, satisfaction and dissatisfaction with e-commerce platforms, cargo preferences, and the relationship they have established between social media and e-commerce, together with 9 different categories

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Life After Lockdown

[EN] Kısıtlamalar Sonrası Hayat_Rapor_v02

July 2021

We share with you the results of the Life After Restrictions research, which we conducted to observe the concerns and causes of people after the pandemic restrictions, as well as the effect of this on consumption behavior, you can reach our report by clicking the link below.

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Financial Literacy and Habits

[EN] Twentify - Finansal Okuryazarlık - Mart 2021_v01

March 2021

We share with you the results of the financial literacy and habits research we carried out to understand the level of knowledge on economic/financial issues and to observe the effect of financial habits and knowledge level, you can access our report by clicking the link below.

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[Twentify Premium Report]

E-Commerce in Turkey 2021 Research Report

book cover 1 en

February 2021

"E-Commerce in Turkey 2021" is an overall assessment of the competition in the sector with a detailed examination of consumer preferences and habits in several categories. You will find comparative data on consumption habits in clothing, FMCG, cosmetics, electronics, mother/baby/toy, pet, and book/music/video categories in this report.

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Clothing and Cosmetic Habits of Working Women

[EN] Çalışan Kadınların Giyim ve Kozmetik Alışkanlıklarını Anlama Araştırması_v03

February 2021

"E-Commerce in Turkey 2021" is an overall assessment of the competition in the sector with a detailed examination of consumer preferences and habits in several categories. You will find comparative data on consumption habits in clothing, FMCG, cosmetics, electronics, mother/baby/toy, pet, and book/music/video categories in this report.

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Coffee Consumption Habits

[EN] Kahve Tüketim Alışkanlıkları_v03

January 2021

Are 3rd wave coffee makers our taste buds? Did the new and educational training distract from experimentation? What do cross-generational preferences look like? You can find all the answers about coffee in this report.

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Back to School 2020 Survey

Back to School 2020 Survey

September 2020

What are the educational method preferences of parents during the COVID-19 period? How do parents approach sending their children to school? What will parents let their children eat at school? You can find answers to such questions in this report.

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Aesthetics Research in Women: Why not?

Kadınlarda Estetik

January 2020

How many of the women in Turkey had plastic surgery from which region? What are the reasons for plastic surgery? What is the persona analysis of women who have plastic surgery? You can find answers to these and other questions in this report.

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Groomed Men: Personal Care Category Research in MenBakımlı Erkekler Araştırması

August 2020

What are the personal care habits of men in Turkey? How many men make face masks? Which shampoo is the most preferred by men? You can find the answers to these and other questions in our Well-Groomed Men report.

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Research on Understanding the eGamer and eSporter Profile in Turkey

Back to School 2020 Survey (3)

December 2018

The world of eSports is on the radar of brands all over the world. So, who is the eGamer audience playing the games? Which games are played and what choices are made during the game? Download the research report and find answers to all your questions.

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Today's Mothers: Shopping Behaviors and Media Consumption

Günümüz Anneleri Araştırma Raporu

November 2018

Like all consumer profiles, mothers' profiles are also changing and becoming digital. Their language, communication, channels and purchasing behaviors are different from the past. So, how are the demographics, behaviors and media consumption of today's mothers?

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Turkey's Virtual Wallet: Cryptocurrency Perception & Trust ResearchTürkiye'nin Sanal Cüzdanı

October 2018

Years after Bitcoin entered our lives, digital/cryptocurrencies are now on our radar and seem to have the power to affect many things in the future. So how much do Turkish people know about the world of cryptocurrencies and how much do they trust Bitcoin?

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Taxi and Uber Usage and Satisfaction Survey of Istanbul Residents

İstanbulluların Taksi ve Uber Kullanımı ve Memnuniyeti Araştırması

October 2018

The fight of taxi drivers with Uber, the introduction of turquoise taxis into our lives and iTaksi. Private transportation is changing in Istanbul. So, which applications and how often do Istanbul use, which vehicles are they more satisfied with, how much do they know about turquoise taxis?

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E-commerce in Turkey: Consumer Behavior and Brand Comparison


Türkiye'de E-ticaret: Tüketici Davranışları ve Marka Karşılaştırması

September 2018

Competition in the e-commerce sector, which increases the penetration rate in Turkey day by day, is increasing. So, how is the category behavior of Turkish consumers changing, how are the exclusivity rates, experiences and conversion rates of the brands?

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