Research Report

Metaverse Awareness and Perception in India

The digital universes called Metaverse and the new opportunities shaped around them are the most trending topics nowadays. Some brands have already started to take important steps regarding this concept one after another, but how do consumers think about the Metaverse?

This research, which we conducted with 4702 people in India to better understand consumers' perceptions and expectations about Metaverse universes, will be a valuable resource for you to determine a starting point.

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The research has been conducted with 4702 participants who belong to the 18-34 age group, male & female, using Twentify's mobile consumer panel Bounty. In this report, you will get answers to the questions below:

 - Awareness of Metaverse

 - Understanding of Metaverse

 - Perception of Metaverse

 - Benefits of Metaverse

 - Dangers and Censorship on Metaverse

 - Activities on Metaverse
