Blockchain: The Revolutionary Technology of the Digital World

IBlockchain technology, although initially introduced in Satoshi Nakamoto's 2008 Bitcoin paper, now spans a wide range of applications from the financial sector to healthcare services, supply chains, and voting systems. This technology enables transactions to be recorded and verified on a distributed network without the need for a third-party intermediary, thus minimizing issues like data manipulation and fraud while enhancing transparency and trust.

Amazon Go is the Pioneer of the New Retail Era

Amazon has invented the MVP of the Future of Retail, and it looks terrifying for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers. What are the reasons making Amazon Go the future, and what can retailers do about it?

Lessons to Learn from Twitter on Product Development

Traditional industries have lots to learn from technology companies on product development. One of these technology companies is Twitter, and Twitter has many inspiring stories of doing it right.

How to Measure and Improve the Effectiveness of Retail Stores?

Shopper decisions change according to their experience in the retail stores; and for brands, retail is the most challenging channel to improve and maintain. How can brands manage this channel efficiently while maintaining the quality?

New Year’s Resolutions Market Research Can Help You Achieve

The new year has arrived, and you have started executing your plan. On your path to growth, can market research help you be agile and achieve your business goals?

Twentify is now an ESOMAR member!

Effective Immediately — Twentify is an official ESOMAR member.

The Right Way to Measure Net Promoter Score in Physical Retail Stores

We are aware of the term Net Promoter Score. Many companies are measuring NPS with digital surveys. But, how can NPS be measured in the offline retail world?

Do We Need Buyer Personas in Marketing?

Marketing personas are old-fashioned — so they say. We are already defining the needs of our audience with customer interviews, customer feedbacks, and market research. Why do we need personas?

The Ultimate Guide to Buyer Personas

Personas are like dictionaries of your customers — that include all details you need to take a look at. But, how can you find the right information about your customers?

Cost of a Market Research Study

Every solution has variables affecting its costs, due to operational work they include and the value they provide. But how much market research studies costs?

Pricing in the World of Startups

Pricing is important for a business, as you’ve been told before. But, how can you determine your pricing when you’re just starting up?

Lessons from the Retail Industry & Implications for Market Research

 Successful retailers were able to improve operational performance and boost sales by leveraging insights, new product development and staffing. Are you doing all you can to optimize your B2C efforts?

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Blockchain: The Revolutionary Technology of the Digital World

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